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Pre & Post Treatment

Eyelash Extensions


⚜️If you use waterproof mascara, avoid using it 2-3 days before your appointment. The film it leaves on your lashes may prevent the extensions from adhering correctly.

⚜️Arrive to your appointment with dry, clean lashes and makeup-free eyes.

⚜️Remove contact lenses before your appointment.


⚜️Don't get your lashes wet for 24 hrs after the lash extensions are applied. It will affect the efficacy of the glue.

⚜️Avoid steam from showers, facials, saunas and swimming pools.

⚜️Avoid getting moisture around the eye area when washing face, showering etc.

⚜️Avoid tanning beds for 48 hrs after application.

⚜️Avoid chemical peels, waxing or laser treatments around the eyes.

!!! General guidelines to extend the life of your lashes :

⚜️Avoid using oil-based skincare and makeup products around the eye, including mascara and makeup remover.

⚜️Avoid running water over your face. Moisture will break down the bond of the glue.

⚜️Avoid rubbing your eyes/lashes, especially when washing your face.

⚜️Avoid using an eyelash curler. One of the benefits of lash extensions is the ability to add curl to your lashes. If you would like more curl, please speak to your artist.

⚜️If you can, sleep on your back to avoid the risk of lashes rubbing against your pillow.

⚜️Gently brush your lashes with a mascara wand to groom them. Don't brush when wet. Wait until dry then brush. Blot with paper towel (recommended) or tissue.

⚜️Avoid pulling your lashes, and don't attempt to remove them yourself. If you would like them removed, please contact your artist.

If you experience any pain, redness/irritation, contact your artist immediately.

Permanent Makeup


***It is very important that you follow the instructions below to ensure that your experience with us is successful, and that you achieve the best results for your procedure.***

  1. ⚜️In order to reduce excessive bleeding, it is important to refrain from consuming alcohol, aspirin, or aspirin products such as blood thinners, and from Ibuprofen and Aleve for a minimum of 2 days prior and after your appointment. The only product for pain and aches that will not make you bleed is TYLENOL.

    2. ⚜️Also, refrain from using Vitamin E and Fish Oil capsules for about 7 days prior to your procedure as these may make you bleed excessively.

3.⚜️ Excessive bleeding during the procedure will negatively affect the longevity or your permanent/semi-permanent make-up application. In some cases, the application will need to be prematurely stopped.

4. ⚜️Avoid energy drinks, coffee and tea for up to 24 hours before your appointment. Not having caffeine in your system will help you relax more easily, as well as help relax the facial muscles in the areas we will be working on.

5. ⚜️Please be aware that if you are taking antibiotics or hormonal therapy - faster fading of the pigment can occur.


Permanent Make-Up IS NOT  recommended for any clients who are or have:



⚜️Undergoing chemotherapy (consult your doctor)

⚜️Viral infection or major heart problems

⚜️Had an organ transplant

⚜️Skin irritations or psoriasis near treated are (rashes, sunburn, etc.)

⚜️Sick (cold, flu, etc.)

⚜️Had Botox in the past 3 weeks

⚜️Used Accutane in the past year.


Thank you for choosing BBA Lash & Brow Art Studio for your PMU experience. Please make sure to read and follow the instructions listed below to assure the best results for your procedure. Failure to follow these instructions may result in a loss of Pigments and may incur Additional Charges.

What you should know


70% of the healed result depends on you and your discipline to maintain correct “post partum” as recommended by your artist.


 Permanent make-up will look very dark and distinct immediately after procedure. The intense color with the new shape of treated area might be slightly overwhelming. Remember the color will fade 40%-50% and will look much more natural when healed. Also, a bit of redness and swelling are to be expected immediately after. 


  First 24 hrs 

⚜️Rinse the eyebrows with hydrogen peroxide without stretching the skin to eliminate the lymph. Every 1-2 hours Make sure you go over very gentle. 


  After 24 hrs 

⚜️Only if you feel your treated skin super dry, apply a small amount of cream(as needed)-included in your aftercare kit.


  Until 5-10 days after treatment 

⚜️Don’t wet your treated area. Protect your skin from the sun by applying SPF Moisturizer.

          ⚜️Avoid the application of powder, make-up, and cream with active ingredients over the treated skin, exposure to sun, bathing in public water, strong/rigorous exercise with profuse sweating, sauna, solarium, etc. 

          ⚜️Don’t pull/force the crust of the skin, that may cause the loose of the pigment.

         ⚜️In case of over swelling use ice or any anti inflammatory peels (like Ibuprofen), 

                 & over redness use Cortizone cream.

      5-8 weeks After initial procedure

          ⚜️Touch Up (2nd Session) must be completed between 5-8 weeks after Initial Session. If the 2nd session is completed after 8 weeks (or more) of the initial session, an additional fee will be charged. 


⚜️Do not touch your eyebrows for 3 days. Before you cleanse your eyebrows, hands must be washed with anti-bacterial soap.

⚜️Touching of the eyebrow area except when cleansing and applying the post-care cream with a cotton swab.

⚜️Do not allow heavy water pressure on your eyebrows for 10 days.·

 ⚜️No eyebrow waxing or threading for 7 days. Tweezers can be used.·

⚜️Avoid exercise and heavy sweating for the first 3-5 days.

⚜️Practicing sports.

 ⚜️Swimming (Especially Salt Water.

⚜️Hot sauna, hot bath, or Jacuzzi.

⚜️Sun tanning or salon tanning. Must use a hat if in the sun.

⚜️Any laser or chemical treatments or peelings, and/or any creams containing Retin-A or Glycolic Acid on the face or neck. Also avoid any beauty treatments such as facials, massages, lash extentions, etc., for 7 days.

⚜️Picking, peeling, or scratching of the micro pigmented area in order to avoid scarring of the area or removal of the pigment.

⚜️Performing tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris.

⚜️Spicy foods.

⚜️Drinking alcohol in excess, as it may lead to slow healing of wounds.

⚜️Driving in open-air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles.

⚜️Avoid make-up on and around brow area.

Skin Care

Microneedling Treatment


⚜️Avoid Accutane for the past 6 months

⚜️Do not use topical agents that may increase sensitivity of skin: retinoids, topical antibiotics, exfoliants, acids that may be drying or irritating to the skin (such as alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA) beta hydroxyl acids (BHA), exfoliating masks, salicylic acids, hydroquinone, and benzoyl peroxide acne products) 5-7 days prior

⚜️Do not take any anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Motrin or Advil for 3 days prior to treatment. These agents will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical and responsible for your skin rejuvenation.

⚜️Avoidance of IPL/Laser procedures, unprotected sun exposure or sunburn for 2 weeks prior.

⚜️No waxing, depilatory creams or electrolysis to area being treated 5-7 days prior.

⚜️No shaving the day of the procedure to avoid skin irritation. If there is dense hair present in the treatment area, closely shave the area the day before you arrive to your appointment.

⚜️Moles, warts or actinic (solar) keratosis cannot be treated.

⚜️Avoid blood thinning agents (aspirin, fish oil, Omega-3, Vitamin E) for 1 week prior. May resume day after treatment.



Pregnancy, breastfeeding, diabetes, actively infected or actively inflamed skin, skin irritation, cystic acne to area being treated, keloid scars, allergies to topical lidocaine and sunburn.



 ⚜️Skin is clean without lotion, oil, makeup, powder, perfume or sunscreen. Patient may wash face in office upon arrival.

⚜️Inform provider of any relevant changes in your medical history and of all medications you are taking.

⚜️Notify provider of any cosmetic tattoos to areas being treated.

⚜️Topical Lidocaine will be applied in office for 30-45 min prior to treatment.



After you have undergone your microneedling procedure, stay out of the sun and do not apply any sunscreen, due to the toxins that may be contained in the lotion. Post procedure, the skin channels are completely open, and any toxins contained in topical applicants may be harmful to you.

Avoid any skin care product that has active ingredients. These commonly include things like Alpha Hydroxyl Acids, Retinol and other similar agents. The skin will be highly sensitive and these products will only irritate the it further.

As microneedling serves to stimulate the production of collagen, the skin needs higher amounts of collagen than normal to recover optimally. Collagen Stimulating Peptides assist in that process, further aiding in the stimulation of collagen production.

It is imperative that you let your skin “breathe” and recover for 24 hours after the procedure. The skin channels are open, and using a makeup brush can penetrate the pores, especially if they are very thin, causing further irritation. Using a makeup brush that has been used before can contaminate the skin and, consequently, lead to infections. Wait 24 to 48 hours before you apply face makeup to give your skin the necessary recovery time.

After you have undergone microneedling, you may experience some skin inflammation or redness. Using a cooling mask will help reduce the inflammation or redness of the skin, giving you more comfort.

Antioxidant serums have properties that assist in healing the skin. Serums assist in soothing the skin and further reduce irritation.

As you sweat the pores of your skin will reopen, and the bacteria on your skin may enter the skin punctures. This can lead to a either a reaction or infection.

It is important to stay hydrated before and after your procedure to help your skin heal and rejuvenate faster.

Bba Studio💋